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              1. <blockquote id='6wIBcI'><q id='6wIBcI'><noscript id='6wIBcI'></noscript><dt id='6wIBcI'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='6wIBcI'><i id='6wIBcI'></i>
                Five classes of blood cells

                Five classes of blood cells

                Maxchemtech can provide long-term stability of 8-aniline-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid ammonium salt, magnesium salt, used for five classifications of blood cell reagent leukocyte fixation; Fluorescent probes are used for protein studies. Its mature technology and high purity quality assurance is the best choice for many blood cell reagent manufacturers.

                Chemiluminescence substrate platform

                According to the needs of different customers, we can provide different chemiluminescence core products and their customized development, including direct luminescence (acridine ester and acridine sulfonamide) and enzymatic luminescence (AMPPD, alkaline phosphoenzyme substrate solution, CDP-STAR, etc.), to provide customers with raw material optimization services and improve product value.

                Custom synthesis of small molecules

                We provide our customers with antigen and antibody transformation and luminescence labeling services, including acridine-T3, Acridine-T4, etc. We have many years of synthetic experience in this field, and provide customized services for more than 50 customers to efficiently guarantee product quality.

                Important Honor

                The invention relates to a preparation method of acridine series chemical luminant

                The invention relates to a preparation method of acridine series chemical luminant

                The invention relates to indolesquare cyanine dye and a preparation method thereof

                The invention relates to indolesquare cyanine dye and a preparation method thereof

                The invention relates to a method for preparing high purity 8-aniline-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid and its salt

                The invention relates to a method for preparing high purity 8-aniline-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid and its salt

                The invention relates to a preparation method of high purity bovine serum albumin

                The invention relates to a preparation method of high purity bovine serum albumin

                Enhancer solution for enhancing chemiluminescence and method for preparing chemiluminescence solution

                Enhancer solution for enhancing chemiluminescence and method for preparing chemiluminescence solution

                The invention relates to a mixed solvent for refining surfactant and a purification method thereof

                The invention relates to a mixed solvent for refining surfactant and a purification method thereof

                Triethyl quaternary ammonium salt and preparation method thereof

                Triethyl quaternary ammonium salt and preparation method thereof

                The invention relates to a preparation method of high purity lithium fluoride

                The invention relates to a preparation method of high purity lithium fluoride

                Method for preparing high purity lithium chloride, high purity lithium formate and high purity lithium carbonate

                Method for preparing high purity lithium chloride, high purity lithium formate and high purity lithium carbonate